She sat in the chair and said she was TIRED of her dentist just patching everything. She said “I am done with the patching, I want things fixed right.”
YESSSS!!!!! She had come to the conclusion that she wanted COMPREHENSIVE dentistry. She wanted dentistry that looked great, but more importantly lasted.
step two
This case brings up a vivid memory for me. I went against my better judgement and tried a new dental lab. What a great way for another dental lab to blow me away with their work! I WAS WRONG. When the case came back from the lab I was so disappointed with how the crowns looked. They were square, opaque, the contours didn’t fit her face. I had the tough talk with her, being she was SO EXCITED to get her new teeth, and I said I just cannot cement these today because she deserved so much better. We took the time this day to send her case to my tried and true dental lab and anticipate their amazing work.
Voila. A QUALITY dental lab makes the difference. Her final result is amazing and she is THRILLED with the INVESTMENT she made.