Case Study 3
24 year old male originally presented on September 1st, 2021 for a comprehensive exam and to establish care as a patient in our office. His chief complaint: “It’s been years since I have been happy with the appearance of my front teeth. I am ready for a change. I am ready to make them look better. I really feel this will impact my career potential and give me more self-confidence.”
step two
Prep Day. August 15th, 2022.
Patient presents excited and ready for his new smile. At today’s appointment we will prep tooth #’s: 6,7,8,9,10 and 11 for porcelain veneers. At this appointment we also need to provide the lab with specific and very accurate digital scans of the patients tooth preparations. We accomplish this with our digital technology of our ITERO scanner. With this advanced technology we no longer need to take messy impressions that patients worry about. After we scan the patient we take a series of photos again to capture the color of the teeth and the color we are desiring when this process is done.
step three
When patient leaves after that first BIG appointment, they leave with the TRIAL SMILE we designed for them but in a temporary state. These temporaries are functional and beautiful. This made the patient even more excited for the porcelain restorations that the lab is fabricating. When I followed up with the patient, he said his whole family loved the teeth and someone had even commented on his “Hollywood smile.”
step five
Day of seating these beautiful restorations. We have to be mindful that gum tissue is irritated and little scratched from what we did to cement these restorations.
We LOVE to take post op photos approximately 2 weeks after our seat dates. This lets us get photos of the patient while their lip isn’t numb and they are healed and ready to shine!