Case Study 7

Case Study

Patient presented with multiple infected front teeth and some 30 year old porcelain restorations that have been “chipped since right after they were put in 30 years ago.”


Pt goals for the case:  He knows he doesn’t show a lot of tooth structure when he smiles, he is just ready for the chips to be gone and make the color a little brighter.

step one

step one

This is, again, a case of MULTIDISCIPLINARY DENTAL TREATMENT.  He needed to have the infections taken care of on most of his front teeth.  Our friendly endodontist (a dentist who specializes in only root canals) took great care of him.  He had 4 root canals completed on 4 front teeth.


After infections were all cleared up it was time to get some good records and make a plan for replacing these restorations (crowns).


We take our usual series of photos, digital scans and measurements so that we can tell the lab exactly what we want made for this patient.


step two

step two

His case was a little odd and really made us think.  All of his crowns were fused together as one piece.  Normally this isn’t the case.  I sat down with the dental lab and consulted with a few of my colleagues about whether to fuse or not fuse this case together again.  Ultimately we decided not re-invent the wheel.  Apart from some porcelain chipping this style of restoration did serve him well for 30+ years.  We opted to fuse it together BUT change it from metal abased crowns to FULL ZIRCONIA restorations.

step three

step three

PREP DAY!!!  WE remove all the old dentistry and he leaves today with temporary crowns to “test drive” his new smile.  Again the temporary crowns give him an idea of the final color, but porcelain always looks and feels even better than the temporary crowns.


It takes around 4 weeks to get the permanent restorations back from the lab.

step four

step four

He really appreciated the final color that we chose.  He loves that they are a little brighter but still feel like they are a natural color.  He was a joy to work both WITH and ON.