What is a Bar Retained Overdenture?
A bar retained overdenture is a restoration solution if you require the replacement of all your teeth in the upper or lower arch. Dental implants are surgically placed in the jawbone and are connected to a small bar that supports the overdenture. The overdenture itself is a removable appliance, but the bar is permanent and remains fixed to the dental implants.
The implants provide excellent support for this restoration prosthesis, and they also help to prevent the surrounding jawbone from shrinking and atrophying from the missing teeth and the lack of tooth root structure.
This is a significant benefit if you struggle with the lack of stability and security that often comes with traditional dentures.
The Ongoing Problems with Traditional Dentures
The bar attachment denture is a contemporary restoration that has dramatically revolutionized the way dentists approach replacing a full arch of teeth. A standard conventional denture is an unsecured appliance with inherent limitations. This traditional restoration simply sitting on your gums held in place with dental adhesive. Most often, conventional dentures are uncomfortable, inconvenient, and unstable. These dentures can make biting and chewing foods difficult, often limiting the foods that you once enjoyed. They also can slip when you speak, making talking challenging as well.
How Does the Bar Attachment Overdenture Work
Modern dentistry has seen many technological advancements, none more impactful than the introduction of the dental implant. The implant is now considered the gold standard for teeth replacement. This includes the hybrid approach with the bar attachment denture implant supported dentures. The bar attachment denture treatment concept replaces your missing teeth in an arch with a complete dental bridge supported and secured by only four dental implants. With fewer implants needed, both your overall treatment time and the cost are reduced.
The unique bar attachment denture solution also ensures superior stability in the bone, reducing the necessity for bone graft surgery to increase jawbone volume. Usually, a temporary set of teeth can be placed on the same day as the implant surgery. These temporary teeth allow you to continue with your normal life immediately following surgery. After a healing period, your dentist adds extensions to the implants and then attaches the bar on top of these extensions. The bridge with your custom artificial crowns’ snaps onto this bar, allowing removal at your convenience. Your quality of life is improved, and you can once again enjoy your favorite foods with renewed confidence.
The Bar Retained Overdenture Offers You Many Advantages
* A cost-effective solution- Your new restoration requires only four implants for each arch. With fewer implants required, the cost is lowered.
* Reduced need for any bone grafting- The special, 45-degree angled placement of the two implants at the rear of your arch ensures a secure and stable anchorage for the overdenture, often eliminating bone grafting altogether.
* Faster treatment and healing time- Your replacement arch can often be attached to your implants immediately after the titanium implants are surgically placed.
The advanced restoration is scientifically proven and well documented. The bar attachment denture is supported by successful clinical outcomes from studies over a decade with very favorable results.